Walker Family

Walker Family

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Bedroom of Dreams

When we first bought our home I let Jenna choose everything for the girl's room.  I was lucky that she chose bedspreads I loved and she wanted the room painted a way that I also loved.  It was darling, as far as little girl's rooms go.

Time went on and we eventually moved Jenna downstairs into her own room.  Abby and Sadie now share that room.  They have shared the room for two years now and I never made any changes.  Why?  Because, in case I forgot to mention it, I loved it.

It turns out Abby did not love it, in fact she kind of hated it.  Being the sweet, good-natured girl that she is she didn't complain.  That is until 4th grade started.  She was struggling in math and quite discouraged.  Jared and I decided that some motivation (or bribery...cough, cough) was needed.  So, one night we sat her down and asked her what was something she wanted that would be a good motivator when she was discouraged about her math.  The room remodel came up and we decided it was totally worth it.  A little paint and a new bedspread, how bad could it be, right?

It worked out really well.  She worked hard, learned a lot and saw a great deal of success from her hard work.  With the help of a phenomenal teacher, who tutored her almost everyday before school, she learned that hard work pays off.  Above all, Abby needed to learn that she could do it.  She absolutely learned that lesson.

Abby was supposed to get her new room last summer.  However, she is the queen of not being able to make up her mind.  One month ago she finally chose the bedspreads for their beds.  It took another two weeks to decide on the paint and yet another two weeks to decide what we would do.  When she finally said she had made up her mind, I ran with it before she could change her mind.  Here's the result of 15 hours of painting.

 I should point out that Abby is not a huge fan of pink.  Turquoise is her favorite.  Sadie, on the other hand, loves all things pink.  Have you ever read the book Pinkalicious?  That book is Sadie.  I thought it was incredibly kind of Abby to choose a bedspread with pink as well as turquoise so Sadie could enjoy it too.

The wall with the window is the accent wall.  She decided on this design for it.

My sister, Lisa, and I stenciled all those lovely circles on.  We both thought it would look fabulous.  We still think it looks fabulous.  However, we seriously underestimated the amount of time it would take.  Oh well, all good things take time and work and this project was no different.

Here's Abby loving her new digs.  She has spent a lot of time in her room the past couple of days.

Here's Sadie loving her new bed.  Interestingly, at bedtime she told me she wanted me to change the room back to the way it was before.  I gave her a kiss and said, "Not a chance, little sister!"

1 comment:

  1. The stenciling is amazing. You are a much better woman than I! Coat of paint and a new comforter is about our limit. And Amazon.com for wall stickers. ;)
