Walker Family

Walker Family

Friday, May 31, 2013

Memorial Day

Monday was Memorial Day and the weather was beautiful.  Ethan and Abby have been begging to hike to the Y since last summer.  We love to hike as a family, but we always ended up doing different hikes last year and never got to that one.  So, we decided that Memorial Day was the perfect day to do it.  We started out bright and early to avoid the heat and hopefully the crowds.  We were successful at avoiding the heat, sadly we were not so successful at avoiding the crowds.  Oh well one out of two isn't so bad. 

Those are people who are barely being tolerant of my picture taking.  Except for Sadie who informed me that I needed to take a picture of just her because "the camera loves me."  I would love to offer an explanation for her, but I just don't have one.  She keeps us on our toes at all times and never ceases to make us laugh.

 We reached the Y fairly quickly and had a nice time pointing out things we could see from the top.  Abby was so excited to point out that we could see two temples from up there.  Ethan was thrilled about seeing the BYU football stadium and Sadie wanted to jump off the Y and land in the wave pool at Seven Peaks. 

 We finished the day with yard work, Jared building me a fun thing I've been wanting for my table, a BBQ with family and s'mores with our dear friends the Sundells at their new house.  We all fell into bed completely exhausted at the end of our fun, yet busy day.

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