Walker Family

Walker Family

Friday, May 31, 2013

Goodbye 6th Grade, Hello 7th Grade

Abby graduated from 6th grade on May 24th.  She was so excited to finally be done with elementary school.  She is beyond thrilled to think about going to junior high.  In fact, she told the principal that the thing she's looking forward to most about 7th grade is EVERYTHING!  That's Abby for you, always happy and positive. 

(This is her "really Mom, in front of all my friends" face.)

Abby had to work really hard at school this year.  She stayed after school three days a week for math tutoring, she was the secretary on the student council and she had hours of homework every night.  She had an awesome teacher, Mrs. Pike, who we loved for all she taught little Miss Abby.  However, learning requires work and Mrs. Pike wasn't afraid of giving these kids lots of work.  Abby is absolutely ready to conquer anything those seventh grade teachers have to throw at her.  With her happy and positive attitude and her ability to be kind to almost anybody, she is bound to have a fabulous year.  Congratulations Abby, we sure do love you!

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