Walker Family

Walker Family

Friday, May 31, 2013

I Am Speed

Ethan became a cub scout one year ago when he turned eight years old.  He was so excited to begin scouting, especially pinewood derby cars.  Unfortunately, our ward had already done them for the year so he missed out.  So sad!  However, this year when it was announced that pinewood derby car races would be on May 16 was giddy.  Jared was giddy.  It was all kinds of boys being giddy at our house.  They spent hours and hours working on this car with our friend, Rick Jeske.  Let me just say, I had no idea how serious boys could be about pinewood derby cars, however, I get it now.  We're SERIOUS about these things! 

The boys all had different turns to race down each lane of the track.  Remember how I told you we're very SERIOUS about pinewood derby cars?  Well, just look at how serious he is about getting the car on the track just right.

I'm happy to report that all that seriousness paid off.  He won every race.  That's right folks, his car was the fastest.  He was thrilled.  Though, truthfully, I'm not sure who was happier, Ethan, Jared or Rick.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Sweet speed racer! I know it's just a bunch of blocks of wood with wheels, but there's something SO fun about the derby can't wait for Max to race next year!
