Walker Family

Walker Family

Sunday, October 7, 2012

General Conference Weekend!

I love L.D.S. General Conference weekend.  We listen to our prophet, our apostles and other leaders encourage, lift and inspire us.  Every six months when General Conference comes around I pray that my heart will be open and I will hear those things I need to hear and learn those things that Heavenly Father would have me learn.  

I'm sure it comes as no shock that our family has a few traditions that go along with this fabulous weekend.  In Utah, October brings cooler weather with the season change.  I love living where I distinctly see this change in the world around me.  Thus, October brings a need to clean out my flower beds and trim plants in preparation for winter.  So, on Saturday I bring my radio out to the front porch and turn up the volume to listen while I work in my flower garden.  I think it was a bit louder than usual this year, because my non-member neighbor was giving me a strange look as he left for work.  Too bad he couldn't stay and listen for a bit.  The kids work beside Jared and I and we discuss together the things we hear our leaders counseling us to do.  This is where we heard the announcement about our missionaries.  We were so excited, as I'm sure many of you were as well.  Saturday night, Jared heads off to the priesthood session.  The kids and I all do something fun together at home.  Someday, Ethan will join Jared at the priesthood session.  Then, the girls and I will do something incredibly girlie.  Until then, we're happy to do something that my sweet little boy can also enjoy.  This year it was movie night with popcorn and candy.  Aunt Lisa and Brynn joined us as well, while my nephew, Conner went to priesthood with Jared.

Sunday morning always brings creme brulee french toast and buttermilk caramel syrup.  This stuff is so incredible, there are hardly words.  It's like a party in your mouth!  Excuse me while I wipe the drool off my computer.  After that, I hand our conference packets with games and note taking tricks for the kids to use while we watch Sunday morning conference.  This year, I decided to do something a little different.  While we ate breakfast, we talked about King Benjamin and how all the people pitched their tents toward his tower and listened attentively while he preached to them.  Once breakfast was over, Jared helped the kids build their own tent in the family room.  The door was, of course, pointed towards the TV which wasn't exactly a tower, but it was close enough for us.  
 I was actually pleasantly surprised at how well this worked!  They were all quiet, worked on their conference packets and took notes.  It was such a huge success that we will absolutely be doing this again.  Do it!  I promise, you'll love it!

Jenna informed me that she was much too old for this activity.  At first, I was a little disappointed with her reaction.  Then she said, "I was wondering if you think it would be appropriate for me to work on my embroidery for my YW personal progress project while I listen?"  That quickly squashed my earlier frustration with her.  I sometimes forget that she's not a small child anymore and that some of these things might not be as much fun for her.  I was really proud of her for making her personal progress such an important part of her Sunday.

Between conference sessions we always take a simple picnic up to our favorite spot in Provo Canyon.  It's called Southfork Park, if you haven't been there in the fall, GO!  There's no hiking or football when we go on Sunday, it's just a fabulous place for us to be together.  It's an incredibly beautiful place and a great reminder of Heavenly Father's love for us on this amazing earth He gave us to enjoy.

We came home in time to enjoy the final session of conference.  Then we were off to our Fall Feast.  Each October, we get together with a few families in our ward.  Everyone brings their favorite soup and bread and we all visit and eat.  It's a wonderful way to finish off the weekend.

Now, here's a few of my favorites from General Conference:

*Young men can now leave on their missions at age 18 and young women can go at age 19.  This is going to be such a fabulous blessing for our youth.  I'm hoping that each of my girls will choose to serve a mission along with their brother.   -Thomas S. Monson-

*Two new temples announced:  one in Tucson, Arizona and the other in Peru.   -Thomas S. Monson-

*"I'm a Mormon.  I know it.  I live it.  I love it."   -Ann Dibb-

*"Ask the missionaries!  They can help!   -Elder Russell M. Nelson-

*"May we humbly go about our day as honey bees go about theirs."   - Elder M. Russell Ballard-  (Our family met him once, we all shook his hand and he visited with my us for a minute.  He's one of our favorites!)

*God is close to us and aware of us and never hides from His faithful children.  In moments of pain, suffering and confusion, we do not need to see Jesus Christ to know of His existence and love for us.  Don't create a barrier that makes it hard for you to find God.   -Pres. Henry B. Eyring-

*"Observe and then serve."   -Linda K. Burton-

*We may one day stand at the judgment bar and be asked of God, "Did you love me?"  The crowning characteristic of love is always loyalty.  If you love me keep my commandments.  Heavenly Father expects your loyalty and love at every stage of your life.  "Yea Lord, we love thee.  We will never look back until this work is finished when love of God and neighbor rule the world.  - Elder Jeffrey B. Holland-  (This was a very powerful and moving talk.  If you missed it, get online and watch it!)

*True conversion comes when our motives, our thoughts and our deeds become aligned with God.  Your testimony alone will not be enough, you must be truly converted.  King Benjamin's people were so truly converted that they had no more desire to do evil, but to do good continually.  The anti-Nephi Lehis were so completely converted that they buried their weapons of rebellion and made an oath to never use them again.  What weapons of rebellion are keeping you from being completely converted to the Lord?  Consistently being true to the gospel is the essence of conversion.  - Elder David A. Bednar-

It was a fantastic and inspiring weekend.  I have many things I would like to work on to better myself.  I feel like there was a general theme of being truly converted to the true gospel of Jesus Christ this weekend.  I'm going to spend some time evaluating where I am and what I can do to ensure that I am "truly converted."

I would love to hear from any of you.  What do you do that helps you remain "truly converted" like the anti-Nephi Lehis were?


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