Walker Family

Walker Family

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Modesty Isn't Cheap!

So, we leave for our Disneyland vacation on Friday, as in this Friday, as in less than one week.  Stay calm, no need to panic.  Why?  Because I have a plan.  I'm currently constructing a detailed list of all that needs to be done.  Once the list is done, it will all be assigned to its own day.  This way when we leave on Friday, it will all be done.  And, here's the magical part, it will all be done without a scream fest.  That's the best part, right?!?

Well, one of the main things on the list was to find Jenna and Abby new swimsuits.  I'm not one to procrastinate shopping, I procrastinate plenty of other things, but never shopping.  :)  So, realizing that this isn't prime swimsuit shopping time, I began my search about a month ago.  Abby's swimsuit was no problem.  Thank you Lands End Overstocks for having exactly what she wanted for $6.99 with a free shipping code! 

Jenna, however was a different story.  She hasn't quit growing so she doesn't fit in those cute little girl swimsuits anymore.  Needless to say, I begrudgingly have searched every teen shop and store that carries teen girl swimsuits.  I realize that my opinions aren't the same as everyone else's.  But since this is my blog I feel justified in saying that I don't care how cute she is, a teenage girl should not have a swimsuit that looks slutty.  Sorry, I don't know any other way to say it.  However, it turns out my opinion is not shared by the fashion world.  I have seen more string bikinis and barely covering the business swimsuits in the last month than I can even begin to convey in this post.  What ever happened to modesty being in fashion?  Why do our teenage girls have to be faced with dressing completely inappropriately?  I could go on and on about this, but I'll spare all of you.

Today Jenna and I decided that today was it.  We had to find a swimsuit today or she was going to be skinny dipping at the hotel pool and at the beach.  Okay, I'm only kidding about the skinny dipping part.  There are no words for how annoying this shopping trip was.  You see, I'm not only tasked with finding a modest swimsuit, I'm also tasked with finding a swimsuit that the pickiest girl in the world will like.  Wow!  A nearly impossible task.  After hours, and I mean hours, we finally found one.  It was "the" swimsuit!  It was so cute, darling, adorable, modest and here's the kicker, Jenna actually loved it!  But alas, I made a rookie mistake.  I let her try it on before looking at the price.  It fit her so well and she looked truly amazing.  I know, I know, I'm the mom.  What else am I going to say?  I agree with her this is "the one". 

Then, I look at the price.  Are you kidding me?  You must be!  You want me to pay $150 for this swimsuit?  Okay, I'm totally joking, it wasn't $150.  But it was more than I wanted to pay.  However, I was totally in a quandry.  We have been looking forever for a swimsuit for this kid.  Swimsuits are assigned to Saturday so we won't have a scream fest, remember?  I stand in the store, nearly breaking into a sweat, over this swimsuit.  Finally I decide, it's fine, I'm going to get it.  Jared will totally agree that modesty is worth a little extra money. 

We leave and I call Jared, who's at work I might add, and tell him that we found a swimsuit for her.  He says, "Finally!"  That alone should tell you how annoying this venture has been.  Next, I drop the price tag in his lap.  I know you're wondering what his answer back was.  Here you go.  "What!  Seriously!  Why didn't you just get her a $6.99 one like you got Abby?"  This is where I explain the extreme difference in their sizes.  Now, here's the funniest part of this post.  He says, "You could get her a swimsuit from Victoria's Secret for less than that."  (I'm not even going to get into why he knows that.)  To which I say, "Really?  Do you want her to wear one of the ones at Victoria's Secret?"  He said, "Well, no!  Of course not!"  My answer back?  "It costs more when they use more fabric!"  We both started laughing at that one.  Modesty isn't cheap.  

The problem has been solved though.  Jenna wanted the swimsuit so much that when I told her we felt like it was just too much, she offered to pay the difference between what we budgeted and what the swimsuit cost.  See what a great kid she is.  I have to say that I'm really grateful that she wants to dress modestly.  She is such a good girl with such high morals.  I hope you always stay this way, Jenna.  Choosing the right, even when it's hard, is something you always do.  Thanks for the great example you set for our family every day.


  1. Love this post - it's how we all feel. There is a real problem and challenge with young teenage girl clothes, and older teenage girl clothes, for that matter. Way to go for making it happen!! You're a great mom.
