Walker Family

Walker Family

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Jared is a fabulous husband. Over the past 13 1/2 years I have learned so much from him. One thing that he is exceptional at is taking time to smell the roses, so to speak. I'm a crazy, busy mom. I know some of you are the same so don't deny it. :) Jared is an equally busy dad, just with different things. However, he never ceases to amaze me. He is so good to stop and just take a moment. He notices things in the world around him that I never notice. He will come inside from work and pull me out the door to see a beautiful sunset. He will notice a cute scene with a toddler at the store.
I suppose it shouldn't come as any surprise to me that he is really great (most of the time) at enjoying the little things with our munchkins. He frequently tells me that someday they will be grown up and gone and we will miss all the little "isms" that define each of them. I have been trying really hard the last couple of years to find the joy in motherhood. I realize that everyday isn't roses and chocolate, but I'm learning to enjoy the little things. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "Enjoy the little things, for one day you will look back and realize they were really the big things." I truly believe this.
With that introduction, I bring you to today's post. A few days ago it was terribly cold here. Okay, let's be honest, it's been terribly cold here a lot lately. The kids were filled with energy that needed to be channeled. Since they couldn't go outside, they asked if they could use the beanbags in the family room and the pillows to play "lava". Desperate for some sanity, I agreed. A few very short minutes later, my family room was filled with the delightful laughter of children. I went downstairs to see them jumping from coffee table to pillow to pillow to beanbag, etc. They turned to me and screamed, "Mom, you're going to catch on fire, get out of the lava!" What could I do? The last thing I wanted was to die, in my own family room, by catching on fire from the lava. Can you see the obituary? "Orem woman dies in lava pit in her own home." As far as I could tell, I had no choice. I jumped on the closest pillow before I ignited. The kids cheered as I was saved from inevitable death. For the next half hour we had an incredible time dodging the lava bubbles and the lava monsters. True confession...we might have jumped on the couch too, but since that's a big no-no I can't actually confirm or deny that fact. Like all moms, I had to snap a few pics.
Don't they look like they're having so much fun? That's because they are! A quick note... that's Abby's t-shirt you see, not her backside. :)
I found this on Pinterest not too long ago and it seemed fitting for this post.
"Admit it, at some point in time you've pretended that the floor was made out of lava and jumping on the couches was the only way to survive."

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