Walker Family

Walker Family

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Happy Birthday To My Baby!

Sadie turned 7 on August 4.  Yes, I know that it is now August 15, but hey, better late than never.

Seven years ago I gave birth to this adorable little bundle.
We were totally smitten the moment we laid eyes on her.  This picture was taken when she was about 24 hours old.  And yes, she had those totally kissable cheeks from the beginning.  We knew she would be our last and I would guess that was one of the reasons we enjoyed her so much.  She was by far the most cuddly baby we had.  She would snuggle with me for hours.  Jared's job offered paid paternity leave so Jared was able to be home with us the first week of her life.  The kids were home from school so we spent the week drooling over her every little move.  She was definitely adored by one and all.

Fast forward seven years and this little munchkin now looks like this.
We're still smitten with her.  She's the sweetest and sassiest seven year old we know.  I'm convinced that Heavenly Father sent her last to keep us on our toes and to help us keep a sense of humor.  There's never a day that she doesn't make us laugh about something. 

Sadie's first word was "shoes".  That should give you huge insight to this child's personality.  She loves shoes in every shape and size.  Every single time we go to a store with shoes I will find her in the women's section sporting the highest heels she can find.  So, it should come as no surprise that she requested high heel cupcakes instead of a big birthday cake this year.

We decided a few weeks prior to her birthday to have a last summer getaway.  We spent a long weekend in Las Vegas visiting Aunt Carol.  We had a fabulous time and, as always, she was an awesome hostess.  Sadie loves Carol so Sadie was quick to inform us that going to Las Vegas on the same weekend as her birthday because, "Of course Aunt Carol would want to be with me on my birthday."  Clearly there are no self esteem issues with this kid.

Besides these cupcakes she really wanted an American Girl doll.  The bigger girls each have one so Sadie has been begging for one for about six months now.  She was thrilled to find that her amazing parents had purchased one for her.

She exclaimed that it was indeed the best birthday present ever.  It's hard to give that statement much credibility though, since she says that every year.  :)  She was so excited about eating her high heels and blowing out candles.
Seriously!  Have you ever seen so much excitement?  She exclaimed that the cupcakes were yummy and she also said that if they were "high heels for reals"  she would "totally wear them".  I'll take that as a compliment coming from If The Shoe Fits, Wear It Queen Of Everything!

All teasing aside, we do adore this little so much.  She is such a sweetheart.  She loves her family and is so kind to others.  She is so excited to be getting bigger.  Jared used to hold her when she was tiny and tell her to never grow up.  Now that she's getting bigger, when he tucks her in at night, he will often say, "You were going to stay my little Sadie, but you just keep getting bigger and bigger."  Recently she answered back, "Don't worry, Daddy.  Even if I'm bigger I'll still always love you and Mommy."  It made me tear up.  It's hard to see this little getting bigger.  She's my last one and I fear that time will continue to pass way too quickly and she'll be gone before I know it.  Thankfully, she'll always love us, though I doubt she'll ever understand how much we love her.

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