Walker Family

Walker Family

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Two Weeks of Catching Up!

Here goes a major catch up with what's been going on around the Walker house.  Two weeks of random stuff coming right up.

First, we celebrated Grandpa Allen's 69th birthday.  I'm pretty sure you're a little irritated that I posted your age Dad, but I love you.  We had my brother and sister and their families over along with my dad's sister and her husband and one of his brothers.  We had a fabulous time eating, visiting and laughing.

Next came Halloween.  It's no mystery that I don't love Halloween, but I worked hard to put on a good face for the littles.  The pumpkin carving is always a highlight for them.  

This vain little girl didn't want to share her picture with a pumpkin, go figure.

For as much as I dislike Halloween these littles do love a good Halloween and I must admit that they looked darling in their costumes.


After Halloween the BYU basketball season began.  My dad has always had season tickets.  Luckily for us, Jared got two tickets from work as well.  The night of this game me, Jared, Ethan and my dad all went to the game.  

Ethan got to sit with Grandpa.  This was fun for lots of reasons, one of which was the treats Grandpa provided for him. 
Yes, my son is wearing a red shirt at a BYU game.  I'm shocked that neither one of us noticed!

Next comes the fact that my little boy has been melting my heart quite a bit the last week or so.  We all overslept a morning last week and at our house that can become disastrous quick.  Jenna and I leave for the morning at 7:20, the other three leave 20 minutes later, followed by Jared 10 minutes after that.  So, the parents not waking up until 6:30 puts a huge wrench in the works.  Ethan got up quickly this particular morning.  He emptied the dishwasher, helped Sadie get breakfast and got some for himself as well.  He was such a huge help.  Sadie was sad because she wanted Jared to read to her.  Ethan solved that problem himself.  He told her to get her doll and he would read to both of them.  This is how I found them.

He is seriously such a good little boy and his little sister adores him.  If he sees her at school without anyone to eat lunch with he has her eat with him and his friends.  He also brings her along to play sports with his friends if she can't find a friend on the playground.  He gave our family night lesson last night.  He taught us all a lesson on missionary work.  I fell in love with him again as I watched him reading to us from his Book of Mormon.
To say I adore this little guy would be a huge understatement, I can't believe how much I love him.

This past weekend we had the first snowstorm of the season.  Last year we had almost no snow.  In fact, they never once even put their snow gear on!  So, when I picked them up from school on Friday they were giddy to put their snow clothes on and go play.  We had received about 5 inches and it was still snowing.  They spent hours out playing on Friday and then again on Saturday.

Monday afternoon Jenna had one of the best day in the last 18 months.  She got her braces off!  She was so excited to finally be done with her mouth full of metal.  To celebrate we made a huge bowl of sticky, gooey caramel popcorn for our family night treat.

To round off the past two weeks we celebrated Jared's 38th birthday!  He had the day off so we were able to go to lunch together.  Then we had a yummy dinner, presents and some birthday cake to finish off the night.

As you can see we have had a crazy, yet fabulous couple of weeks.  With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming I'm sure the next few will be the same.  I'm going to post a bunch of pictures of some of our favorite Christmas activities and traditions, so stay tuned.

P.S.  Sadie brought home three smiley faces on her behavior report three days in a row last week.  We celebrated with a big frosty from Wendy's.

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