Walker Family

Walker Family

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Crush Journal

I have four children, all of whom I adore. All of you parents out there need to understand one thing though. If you have older children and younger children you already know this. If not, you will know it soon enough. The older kids have a ginormous influence on the younger ones. My younger kids say and do things that my older ones would never have said or done. Now, in all fairness, the things they pick up on aren't always bad, sometimes they're good. Nevertheless, my funny for the week involves Sadie. For Christmas, Santa gave Sadie a princess notebook in her stocking. Upon seeing it, she announced to everyone, "A princess journal! Now I have somewhere to write down all my crushes where Ethan won't see them." My other children would never have known at age 5 what a crush was or been concerned about writing it somewhere. Jared and I were a little surprised by this, but not much more thought was given to it. That is, not until last night. Sadie came in my room and said, "Mom, can I show you my crush journal"? I was intrigued, so of course I said yes. Next, I was given specific instructions concerning the "crush journal". "You can't tell anyone who is in my crush journal, not even daddy. Can you do this?" I decided I was up to the challenge and agreed. Inside the "crush journal" you will find the names of all the boys Sadie has a crush on. It took every ounce of willpower inside of me not to laugh. I held it together and we made it through the list of her most recent loves. She left feeling quite pleased with herself. This morning I was asked if I kept the names a secret, luckily for me I had. I am a firm believer in not having favorites. Parents just shouldn't have them, period, the end. With that said, I will say this. I wish I had enjoyed my other children as much as I have enjoyed Sadie. I think it's because we knew she was our last, or maybe because we know enough now not to panic about every little thing that comes along. Either way, I'm learning to enjoy all the little things about my munchkins that I know someday I will miss. P.S. In case you're wondering, I can't tell you who the crushes are either. A girl's love life is serious business you know.

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