Walker Family

Walker Family

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Our Great Legacy

Jared's mom passed away on June 13, 2012.  She had been diagnosed with a massive brain tumor three months earlier and given anywhere from one week to three months to live.  The doctor's prediction was frighteningly accurate.

After the death of my mom just three weeks prior, this was a difficult blow.  Jared was devastated.  I was devastated.  Our kids were distraught.  "We have no more grandmas left" they cried.  The tears seemed to be endless, but we still made it through.  I know that I can thank Heavenly Father for our survival.  I have felt His endless love and compassion for our family.  I have felt it through our many friends and loved ones sending their love through meals, cards, flowers, prayers and care packages for entertaining kids in the car.  In my quiet moments, I have felt His spirit lift me in ways I never thought possible.

Jared's mom was a great woman.  After learning of the LDS church during college, she joined it and never looked back.  She was the only child and the only member in her family.  She loved the Lord and His gospel and made sure all of her children knew of her testimony and devotion to the church.  She raised ten children, a feat in and among itself, that all have remained faithful.  She always was serving.  Whether she was taking a meal to someone, or working on family history or knitting a blanket for a new mom in the ward, she was always busy serving.  At the viewing, I was touched by how many people told of the many ways she served them in their ward and community.  She was such an example of selfless service.

We found this picture of Jared's parents when we were going through things for the funeral.  It was taken in our backyard on Thanksgiving.  It's my favorite picture ever of the two of them.  Don't they look so happy?  Ever since I married into this family I have loved the way they would tease each other.  They were married 49 years and the love they shared for each other was incredible.  They shared that love with their family as well.  She has left us with a great legacy to follow. 


  1. So sorry for the losses! I feel for you. I have been there. May the Lord bless and comfort all.

  2. Beautiful. I am so sorry for the losses you have faced. Xoxo

  3. Stacy, I was in tears as I read this aloud to my family. Thankyou for these sweet words as I am still trying to come to terms that my mom really has moved on and that I won't see her sitting in her chair knitting, cross stitching, or doing family history work when I walk in the front door of my childhood home. However, I too feel so blessed to be apart of such an amazing family and to know that I am my mothers daughter!! She always told me it took all she had to get me here and I am so greatful to her for her patience, diligence and love so that I could be born into the best family ever.

  4. That is beautiful. Thanks, Stacy. I feel for you and your family. Devastated was how I felt as well and you had to do double. The time spent with her helped ease the pain as we just wished and prayed for her suffering to end. I felt a lot of peace as she passed and in the days following. I know she had a lot to do with that as well as our knowledge we would be together again. Dad's strength and faith and positive outlook had a lot to do with that. Much love to you and my twin (we're good, right Jared?!) and your kids. I am truly grateful you are an eternal part of our family and my sister forever!
