Walker Family

Walker Family

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Great American Challenge

In the school district we live in they teach U.S. History in fifth grade.  The district also issues a challenge to the fifth graders that they call The Great American Challenge.  Abby was so excited about it this year, she had to do it.  What is The Great American Challenge you ask?  The kids have to memorize and pass off in front of their whole class the following items:
  • They have to write grammatically correct The Pledge of Allegiance
  • Recite The Preamble to the Constitution
  • Recite The Star Spangled Banner
  • Recite The Gettysburg Address
  • Recite an excerpt from the Martin Luther King Jr., I Have A Dream Speech
  • Recite the first, middle and last name of all the U.S. Presidents in order of when they served
  • Label all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico  on a map  
To put it lightly, this was a huge task.  She decided early on that she was going to do it.  As the school year continued on she persisted.  Abby is a hard worker at school, but she gets really nervous.  She had to work like I've never seen her work before to memorize everything.  Many times she turned down playing with friends in order to memorize things.  One day she was upset and discouraged.  After many tears and a long talk I asked her, "Abby, what's the worst that could happen if you don't complete it."  She replied, "Mom, I will be so disappointed in myself.  I have to do it."  I told her, "Then, don't let Satan discourage you and tell you you can't do it.  Prove him wrong and put your efforts into accomplishing it.  I know you can do it!"

The last day to pass things off came and all she had left to do was the map.  I was a wreck all day.  Truthfully, it was the only day I've ever wished that kid had a cell phone.  I was dying to know if she had passed it off or not.  I was standing right outside the school when the bell rang.  It seemed like it took her forever to come out of the school.  When she finally appeared she had the hugest grin on her face as she shouted, "Mom, I did it!"  I seriously teared up.  We were both screaming and jumping up and down.  I was so proud of her!  What a huge accomplishment for my little fifth grader.

Here she is getting her trophy at the school's awards ceremony.

The cute lady next to Abby was her teacher, Mrs. Taylor.  I can't say enough great things about her.  She was an incredible teacher that Abby learned a ton from.  Also, if you'll allow me to brag for another minute.  Abby was one of only two students in her class who completed The Great American Challenge.  That's my girl!

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