Walker Family

Walker Family

Friday, April 17, 2015

Jenna, On Your 16th Birthday

To my Jenna on your 16th birthday,

I remember how tiny you were the night we brought you home from the hospital.  Then I blinked and suddenly you are a beautiful 16 year old young woman.  In two years you will be off on the grand adventures of adulthood, such as college, mission and marriage.  As I have thought about this "Sweet 16" birthday approaching dangerously fast, I confess I have vacillated between excitement for you and the coming adventures in your life and sadness that my once little girl is growing up so quickly before my eyes.  In light of your coming adventures I wanted to give you some advice that I hope you will embrace and live. 

Be kind to everyone:  Do you remember the primary song that says, "Jesus said love everyone, treat them kindly too..."  Every person you come in contact with is a child of God and deserves to be treated with kindness and respect.  You have been blessed with such a kind heart, that's one of the many things I love and admire about you.  You always have something kind to say about someone and you are quick to defend anybody that you feel is being treated in an unkind way.   Remember, even those you may disagree with or who may not share your same beliefs and opinions deserve kindness.  This is the way to live and the way to treat all of Heavenly Father's children.

Remember who you are:  I know, I know, we joke about this one A LOT, but it is still sound advice.  You, Jenna, are a daughter of God. In Proverbs it says that you are more precious than rubies and that all things that a person can desire can't compare to you.  The scriptures are right!  You are being raised in a world that will try to deceive you at every turn.  The world would love to convince you that you aren't pretty enough, you're too tall, you're too short, you're too skinny, you're too fat, your hair is too long or short and the list goes on and on.   Don't believe what the world tells you. Heavenly Father created you and he doesn't make mistakes.  Don't compare yourself to others, be yourself, the original is always better than a copy.  Always remember that you are His precious, precious daughter, even a masterpiece and His love for you is never ending. 

Make a list now of things you will always do and things you will never do.  When you were a brand new Beehive, we went to your first YW broadcast. The General YW President at the time was Sister Elaine Dalton.  She is the one who said, "I hope each of you will write a list of things you will always do and things you will never do. Then live your list."  If you make the hard decisions now, later when you are faced with situations that could distract you from the path, you will know how to stay on course. Decide now to pray daily to your Heavenly Father, decide now to read from His scriptures daily, decide now to remain morally clean, decide now to live the Word of Wisdom, decide now to serve the Lord in whatever capacity He asks of you, decide now to live worthy of your temple recommend.  With those decisions made and your determination to live them in place, you will be filled with the Holy Ghost daily and there will be no stopping your influence for good and your ability to one day live with Heavenly Father again.

Jesus Christ's atonement is real, use it in your life.  You have set many goals and have lots of dreams for things you would like to accomplish in the future. Work hard, strive to be the best you can be. However, when you fall short, because let's be honest nobody is perfect 100% of the time, remember the atonement. Christ knew that at times we would fall, that is why His sacrifice for us is so great. Lean on Him, read the scriptures so you know His words and can follow His perfect example.  The more you put into your relationship with the Savior, the more you will get out of it.  Above all else, remember that His atonement is there to lift you, carry you and soothe your heartaches and pains.  His love for you is infinite and something you should treasure always. 

Jenna, I couldn't be more proud of the young woman you have become. You bring such happiness and joy to my heart.  Truly Heavenly Father blessed me when He sent you to our little family. I pray you will always know how much I love and adore you. 

I love you to the moon and back,

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