Walker Family

Walker Family

Thursday, January 9, 2014

There Is No Better Friend Than A Sister

When I was a child, we spent a lot of time visiting my mom's family in Las Vegas.  We also had lots of times when her family would visit us in Utah.  It was always fun to see our aunt, uncles and cousins.  We especially loved it when Ron and Carol would come.  They had kids our ages and it seemed we never tired of playing together.  Many of my favorite childhood memories are of experiences we shared.  (I'll refrain from sharing them here, as I don't want to give my children any ideas.)  One thing I always loved was watching my mom and my Aunt Carol together.

My mom is sitting to the right of my grandmother, Carol is directly behind her.  As sisters, they were one and the same.  It seemed they had the same opinions and taste in everything.  For example, they both bought the exact same piano, while living in different states and without speaking to the other about it.  It's freaky how many times things like this happened with them.  All that aside though, they shared an incredible bond as sisters that would be difficult to rival.  When they were together, there was never a lull in the conversation, their voices sounded exactly the same, their opinions rarely differed and they loved each other fiercely.  They spent hours shopping when they were together and hours talking on the phone when they were apart.  This is the example of sisterhood that I grew up with.

I was blessed with one sister.  Though we don't sound exactly the same and our taste is different, we both love shopping for hours and chatting for hours. (Though, since we only live a mile apart it's rarely on the phone.)  She has been my partner in crime, has helped me out of numerous scrapes, we have laughed together, she has listened when I've been frustrated or angry, and been a shoulder to cry on more times than I can count.  Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he sent her to our family.  He knew I would need her for my sister, and for this I'm truly grateful.

When Jenna was born we were so ecstatic, as I'm sure all new parents are.  But, when Abby came I was thrilled to know that Jenna had a sister.  Jenna was just as thrilled.  From the moment she laid eyes on that chubby bundle she was smitten.  She loved everything about her new little sister.  She would lay in the crib next to Abby and talk to her every morning, she would tell Abby every move she was making, she wanted to feed her, change her and play with her non-stop.  As Abby grew they became inseparable.  You never saw two sisters who loved each other more than they did.  That didn't change when Sadie joined their twosome.  It seemed there was room for one more sister and together they lovingly doted on her every need and whim. 

Have you seen the movie, Frozen?  If you haven't, please go see it.  I promise, you won't be disappointed.  I know it will come as no surprise to those of you who know me, but I cried through about half of that movie.  It's all about two sisters who desperately love each other, but circumstances have kept them apart.  Is there anything more awesome than when they are standing in the ice castle and Anna sings, "For the first time in forever, I finally understand.  For the first time in forever, we can fix this hand in hand.  Because for the first time in forever, I will be right here."  I love this declaration!  She's saying, I'm your sister, I love you, we can do anything together!

But even more than that, I love the ending.  When one act of true love was needed, we didn't turn to the handsome guy.  Ultimately, Anna's love for her sister Elsa produced the one act of true love that would save them all.  Elsa exclaims, "You sacrificed yourself for me?"  And Anna replies, "I love you."  Hand in hand, they were able to fix it.  I love this bond between sisters, this love that can give us the strength to face seemingly anything.  So, there I sat in that dark theater, crying my eyes out. 

I confess I haven't been able to get this touching movie out of my mind.  I find that I'm more grateful than before for the example of great sisterhood that my mom and aunt unknowingly showed me and for the sister I have been blessed with.  Truthfully though, I've spent a lot of time hoping and praying that my girls will share that same wonderful bond as sisters.  You see, Jenna is 14 now and Abby is 12 and Sadie is 7. 

While I know they love each other, there are times in these adorable girl's lives when they bicker and fight.  And while I realize this is normal for girls this age, I pray with my whole heart that they will develop a relationship and a love for each other that will span the ages.  A relationship that they can rejoice in throughout the eternities.  I pray that someday I will be blessed to see them shop together for hours, talk on the phone for hours, laugh together, cry together and take care of each other like only a sister can.  Because the fact is, there is no better friend than a sister.

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