Walker Family

Walker Family

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

I love everything about Christmas! We spend the entire month of December doing all things Christmas. Last year I found a new way for our family to celebrate the season. We spend seven nights during the month of December learning about the seven main characters in the nativity. We liken the story to ourselves and find something we can learn and apply in our own lives from these great people. It worked so well last year, that I did it again this year. It's officially a Walker family tradition. I love how it keeps us focused on the real reason for the season. Jesus Christ was born and lived a perfect life for us all to follow and to strive to emulate. He died so that we could all live again. What a fantastic message to hold to for the season and always. This year Jared and I decided to do things a little different with our gift giving. Our four little munchkins have been begging to go to Disneyland for quite a long time. After a lengthy discussion, we decided that a trip to Disneyland was a perfect Christmas gift. The catch? While we wish the tree in our backyard was a money tree, it turns out that it isn't. Shocker, I know! If we gave the kids a trip to Disneyland it meant there wouldn't be much more under the tree. I knew they wouldn't be disappointed to go, but we aren't going until the end of January, so there was always the worry that Christmas morning might be a little disappointing. Although I was a little worried, Jared insisted that it would be fine. So, we proceeded with our plan. Christmas morning when the kids opened their gift and realized what it was they erupted! There was screaming and yelling and jumping up and down. They all kept saying, "I can't believe it, I can't believe it!" It turns out Jared was right. (That's right, honey, I said it.) Even the day after, they are still talking about "the greatest Christmas ever." Grandpa and Grandma Allen gave each of the kids their own suitcase for the trip. In typical Sadie fashion, she began packing last night. After all, a girl always needs to be prepared.


  1. I'm so excited for your new blog! I just love your cute family and I love how you set up your blog! I look forward to reading your posts. I love your tradition! That is a fantastic idea! And yay for a trip to Disneyland!!

  2. Welcome to the blogging world Stacy. Glad you have a great Christmas. I also love your tradition, what a fabulous idea to remind you of the true meaning of Christmas.

  3. I love it love it love it! That's so great. I also loved your family Christmas Card. You have such a beautiful family!

  4. So cute! We have a Disney blog (haven't updated it for a while) but it may be helpful in doing your planning... http://walterpeople.blogspot.com

    Have a blast! We love it there and Bennett has already been!! LOL!

    Happy New Year!
